Sunday, May 22, 2011

Some1 #3: Interlude


Some1 is out sooner than expected!! Click HERE to download it!

Deepest apologies for the very low quality. The original file was too large to upload.
If you have any technical suggestions, please be my guest!

thank you for reading :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Man and the Modern World illustrations

Below are the pieces presented at the gallery.
This work was inspired by an introduction written by Roger du Pasquier.

here's what I wrote to a friend to explain the whole concept behind it:
the idea that really got stuck in my head was the humanist concept that changed how we view the world. How humanism made man the center of the universe, and earth leaving no room for any Divinity as they thought that the Church was dictating too much their lives and limited them in their research scientifically, literally, etc. From the side that it is limiting to seek knowledge, I agree but the negative side of it was the absence of the Absolute which led to individualism, loss of spirituality, hyper materialism, etc. So this is what I tried to discuss through the tryptic.
I took the vitruvian man which is the symbol of humanism and just showed the downside of the movement. that's why it's black, like the shadow of the vitruvian man.
in the first part, i meant to put the text like that so it won't seem like a page from a book and plus I didn't want to distract the viewer too much from the figure in the middle. I wanted the text to serve like key words if you like. I took the square to observe the materialistic, quantitative aspect, how the effects have led to waste, hyper consumerism, lots of gadgets, etc. this "i, me , mine" concept. where there is no room for the other.
in the second part, i took the circle and proposed the psychological aspect, how it affected the psychology of man in general. it turned him into a "perfect monkey" by evolutionism, the perfect machine with fordism, like a hamster in a wheel, constantly working, bound by time, non-stop.
something tasteless, and maybe suffocating.
the third part is just a proposal to take the best from the humanist concept and apply it differently: that thirst for knowledge, love for work, that people unite with a common principal, to seek "light"... 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Man and the Modern World exhibit

This is where the tryptic "Man and the Modern World" will be shown, God willing

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The (w)hole part

Here's a work I really admire. It's by Askia Nasir Bilal

The artistic statement:
Using the square and the cube as foundational elements that are rooted in art
historical, architectural, and philosophical tradition, the (w)hole part. installation
explores mark making on a variety of materials and surfaces to create a non‐linear,
allegorical narrative that investigates cyclic transformation through an entire space.
It serves to illustrate ongoing exchanges that occur between chaos and order,
construction and destruction, clarity and obscurity, simplicity and complexity. The
arrangement of the space, shapes, and forms creates layers that suggest complexity
of meaning, and paradoxes that raise questions about notions of illusion and reality.
The layering of materials, marks, and text connects to a larger human tradition of
recording information, conveying different senses of meaning, time, and density. The
juxtaposing of materials are visual cues that add to the layers and indicate intricate
relationships that exist between the objects, surfaces and ideas. The use of found or
recycled materials signifies alchemy-- the process of transforming objects and their meaning

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Banned commercial


I wonder how people in the ad business can be so cold at passing messages to children inciting them to smoke cigarettes. And that was 50 years ago. What about now? It's worse. It's subtle. Flickering images that get imprinted in your subconscious, catchy tunes that get stuck in your head oh and guess what as soon as you find the product in the supermarket, there's an urge that need to buy it. Ha.
Oh well.