Sunday, August 28, 2011

Current Project


A few panels of the project I'm currently working on.
I'm done with the first part which is a "short graphic non-fiction" in other words a bio in comics

Can you guess who the scholar is?
Hint: We already mentioned him in this blog... somehow ;)

Prize: I'll send the WHOLE pdf comic to the FIRST one who answers correctly!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just arrived!


Just got this through my local bookstore! (It took six months to get here but what the heck it's here!!)

For more info about Jeffrey Brown:
To read reviews about "Undeleted Scenes" click here

Friday, August 19, 2011

un truc qui ressemble à un poème


la peur dans ses yeux me hantent jusqu'à présent
le bruit qui a tout interrompu pour une microseconde
la déconnection
puis le retour apeuré
"où étais-tu maintenant?"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Reading List Summer '11


3 weeks already since my last post! phew. Been busy working on a project, you know how they go, inspired one day, totally lazy the next, kinda reminds me of Joe Matt's Peep Show #1 where he would sit for hours on the phone instead of working... I know what you're talking about man! can't rush art I must say!

But anyways, the comic I'm drawing which, thank God, is literally something that fell off the sky, has several parts. The first is set in 11-12th century Iran and Iraq. A short bio of a well known philosopher by the name of Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali.
It requires some background so here's my reading list for the time being:

From left to right starting from the top:
- The Ninety Nine Beautiful Names of God by al-Ghazali, published by ITS
- Lettre au disciple by al-Ghazali, published by Commission Libanaise
- La peinture persane, Dossier de l'Art, Mars 97
- Nour al absar by Shaykh Muhammad al-Sabban, published by al-Fajr al-jadid
- An anthology of Graphic Fiction edited by Ivan Brunetti, Yale University Press