3 weeks already since my last post! phew. Been busy working on a project, you know how they go, inspired one day, totally lazy the next, kinda reminds me of Joe Matt's Peep Show #1 where he would sit for hours on the phone instead of working... I know what you're talking about man! can't rush art I must say!
But anyways, the comic I'm drawing which, thank God, is literally something that fell off the sky, has several parts. The first is set in 11-12th century Iran and Iraq. A short bio of a well known philosopher by the name of Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali.
It requires some background so here's my reading list for the time being:
From left to right starting from the top:
- The Ninety Nine Beautiful Names of God by al-Ghazali, published by ITS
- Lettre au disciple by al-Ghazali, published by Commission Libanaise
- La peinture persane, Dossier de l'Art, Mars 97
- Nour al absar by Shaykh Muhammad al-Sabban, published by al-Fajr al-jadid
- An anthology of Graphic Fiction edited by Ivan Brunetti, Yale University Press