Thursday, January 5, 2012

Drawings published in Zine Arcade #4!


A few months ago, I got in touch with a fanzine artist by the name of Andrew Owen Johnston from the UK. He was gathering some drawings for his next zine issue. I was a day late, hoping that he would consider taking some of my work. Luckily, he told me to send him some stuff and voila!
He wrote:
Wow! Thanks so much for sending your images. I really love them!

I especially like the observational sketches you do - they look so free and relaxed whilst containing just enough detail. I was also really impressed by your Guernica Remix.

I will make sure to find some room in the publication for your work and once it's all put together and been printed, I'll post you a copy.
Can't wait for it, God willing. In the meantime here's a sneak peek at it from Andrew's website:

Image from Andrew's upcoming online sketchbook