Saturday, February 26, 2011

Work in progress


Je suis en train d'illustrer mon premier livre.
El hamdouliLlah ca se passe bien pour le moment.
Si quelqu'un m'avait dit a l'univ' que dans le futur j'allais faire ce boulot, j'aillais me moquer de lui parce qu'honnetement j'etais la plus mauvaise en cours d'illustration. Je ne blague pas.
Ca se voit meme de ce croquis pour le livre, c'est tres classique comme mise en page.
Je me rappelle des profs qui me disait "faut faire ceci et cela" et je comparais mon projet avec celui des autres qui mettaient des heures a peindre une petite partie de la page... Woah. C'est quelque chose que j'aimerais bien acquerir... inch'Allah...

Well as they say, practice makes perfect!

I am illustrating my first book.
Thank God, it's going well.
If someone from college would've told me that I'd be doing this for a living I would've laughed at their face. Honestly, I wasn't really good in my illustration course. Not kidding. Teachers would tell me to add this or that and I couldn't conceive what they meant. Finishing is the key word. When I compared my work with the others, I was so amazed at how much effort they would put in one little part of the page. Wow. Something I would like to acquire... inch'Allah...

Will keep you posted :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Middle Pages (2)


2007, Caire, Egypte
-Phase inspiree de Frederic Boilet, Etienne Davodeau, Kan Takahama. Boilet a commence un nouveau mouvement de BD qui s'appelle "Le Nouveau Manga". Exprime le style japonais a travers des occidentaux. J'avais eu l'idee de faire une BD collective avec des artistes etrangers sur l'Egypte. Golo l'a deja realisee avec l'Association malheureusement et j'en n'etais pas consciente...

-Pick up and leave it aside, pick another thing up and leave it aside.

It is very hard being an "artist", if I can call myself that. It is very different than any other profession in the world. Your highs and lows, ups and downs are more pronounced then in other people: they hit harder.
It is also complicated to explain that we can't work like in regular office hours... or should we?
If I try explaining my five year plan to anyone it seems so sketchy, overreaching... is it?

-Glory be to God... this world never ceases to amaze me.
Don't want to lose track of my purpose in life.
"وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ "
الذاريات: 56

Friday, February 18, 2011

John Porcellino


I was first introduced to Porcellino's work through Mc Sweeney's #13. Discovering his little "supplement" in the book's jacket surprised me: I might have lived my life and never finding it. It was written for me to read his work. It spoke to me differently from the rest.

His work is like looking out the window and contemplating. Thinking, feeling, floating above everything.
Uncovering the little daily miracles, charms that go unnoticed to the untrained eye... of the heart.

Its simple lines are made so that the core of the story can reach your heart. Sometimes in comics, we look at the artistic lines, and are amazed by them which overrides on the story.
Here, it's what John P. says that counts more.

Follow his work on:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Some1: Ghazzaliyat #1" available online!


Now you can download the first issue of "Some1" by clicking here

"I LOVE it: my hypercritical self stands paralyzed." -Y.M.
"carry on please... your contemplative writings- if reached to the people- can make a difference in such a crucial time" -R.F.

I hope you enjoy reading it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The first issue is out!


The first issue is out, in several bookstores for free. And soon it will be made available online for download, God willing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Fish's Mouth presents: "The journey of Some1"

An upcoming zine, God willing.
Strips will also be posted on the blog in case the hard copy doesn't reach you.